Nume real: | Armand Anthony Assante Jr. |
Locul naşterii: | New York City, Statele Unite ale Americii |
Data naşterii: | 04.10.1949 |
Ocupaţie: | Actor |
Armand Assante s-a născut la New York și a studiat la Academia Americană de Artă Dramatică. În 1974 și-a făcut debutul cu filmul „The Lords of Flatbush”, alături de Sylvester Stallone.
De-a lungul timpului, a jucat în filme precum Force et Honneur (2021), The Match (2021), General (2019), Once Upon a Time in New York City (2019), The Book of Leah (2019), A Day Like a Week (2018), Oldfellas (2018) – Mussels, The Family Business (2018), The P.I.M.P. (2018, The Temptation of Charles (2018), Zombie Bride (2018), First Law / (2017), Joe’s War (2017), Lost Cat Corona (2017), Minkow (2017), Power of Silence (2017), The Wanderers: The Quest of The Demon Hunter / Vânătorul de spirite (2017), The Whole World at Our Feet (2017), You Can’t Have It (2017), 120/80: Stressed to Kill (2016), Angel of Death (2015), Blind Pass (2015), Kids vs Monsters (2015), Paradi$e (2015), Sicilian Vampire / Vampirul sicilian (2015), A Fine Step / Fandango (2014), Charlie Mantle (2014), In Between Engagements / (2014), Once Upon a Time in Brooklyn (2013), The Night Never Sleeps / (2012), A Horse Shadows in Paradise / Misiune în Paradis (2010), Breaking Point (2009), Chicago Overcoat / Reglare de conturi (2009), The Bleeding (2009), The Lost / Victimele (2009), American Gangster (2007), California Dreamin’ (nesfârșit) (2007), Casanova’s Last Stand (2007), Children of Wax / Copii de sacrificiu (2007), Partners in Action / Partenerii (2002), The Road to El Dorado / Drumul spre El Dorado (2000), The Hunley / Primul submarin (1999) – Lt. George Dixon, The Odyssey / Odiseea (1997), Gotti (1996), Striptease (1996), Fatal Instinct / Instinct fatal (1993), Hoffa (1992), Passion and Paradise (1989), Jack the Ripper / Jack Spintecatorul (1988), A Deadly Business (1986), Belizaire the Cajun (1986), Unfaithfully Yours / Sotia ta necredincioasa (1984), I, the Jury (1982), Love & Money (1982), Sophia Loren: Her Own Story / Sophia Loren: povestea vietii (1980), The Lords of Flatbush (1974), Kojak (1973), The Doctors (1963).
A primit trei nominalizări la Globurile de Aur, în ani 1991 (Q & A), 1997 (Gotti) și 1998 (The Odyssey). La Premiile Gopo a primit o nominalizare pentru cel mai bun actor în rol principal, pentru rolul căpitanului Doug Jones.